If you are a footballer or have played it as a child or have any interest in watching or playing football or are in awe of football players or longing to play World Cup but your country never qualifies or loses like England in every World Cup (LOL) or is a champion like Brazil or maverick like Croatia and endless similar things, then This is Football is a gift for you.
This is Football is a Six part documentary series which deals with the impact of football on the world. From the dusty streets of Delhi or the monsoon capital Mumbai to the war torn Rwanda, football has made a serious impact on the children growing up there. Its an emotionally charged series and leaves you in awe of the sport called Football and people who stood up for it.
Watch the trailer here before you get hooked on Amazon Prime Video. #ThisIsFootball
Perhaps, high time we need to start focusing more on the real football instead the armored wrestling sport in the name of football.